Quick Islamic Info

Quick Islamic Info

{Say, O Lord Increase My Knowledge}.

  • Islam is based upon five matters:1. Testification (Shahada) Testifying and believing no one is God except Allah (The creator of everyting) and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah; (that includes the belief in all the previous Prophets like Jesus, Moses, and Abraham..)
    2. Prayer; Praying to Allah 5 times a day. Prayers include words of praise and thankfulness to God the creator, giver, forgiver and merciful.
    3. Zakah; Paying (if able) once a year a small portion of charity to the poor and the needy people.
    4. Fasting; Fasting the month of Ramadan, obeying Allah in this deed and feeling with the poor and needy by abstaining from food or drink from dawn to dusk.
    5. Hajj; Going to Mecca (for the able) to perform the Hajj (pilgrimage) praying to Allah, commemorating Prophet Abraham’s deeds, praising and thanking Allah for the countless endowments he sent.

The 99 Perfect Names Of Allah

  • The Explanation of the Perfect Names of Allah
    99 Names Audio
    Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. May Allah raise the rank of our master Muhammad and his Al and Companions and protect his nation from that which he fears for it.
    1. Allah : Is the One Who has the Godhood, which is the power to create the entities.
    2. Ar-Rahman : The One Who has an abundance of mercy for the believers and the blasphemers in this world and exclusively for the believers in the Hereafter.
    3. Ar-Rahim : The One Who has an abundance of mercy for the believers.
    4. Al-Malik : The One with absolute Dominion, and the One Whose Dominion is clear of imperfection.
    5. Al-Quddus : The One Who is pure from any imperfection and clear of children and adversaries.
    6. As-Salam : The One Who is clear of every imperfection.
    7. Al-Mu’min : The One Who witnessed for Himself that no one is God but Him; and Who witnessed for His believers that they are truthful in their belief that no one is God but Him.
    8. Al-Muhaymin : The One Who witnesses the saying and deeds of His creatures.
    9. Al-^Aziz : The Defeater Who is not defeated.
    10. Al-Jabbar : The One for Whom nothing happens in His dominion except what He willed.
    11. Al-Mutakabbir : The One Who is clear of the attributes of the creatures and of resembling them.
    12. Al- Khaliq : The One Who brings everything from non-existence to existence.
    13. Al-Bari’ : The Creator Who has the Power to turn the entities from one state to another.
    14. Al-Musawwir : The One Who forms His creatures in different pictures.
    15. Al-Ghaffar : The One Who forgives the sins of His slaves time and time again.
    16. Al-Qahhar : The Subduer Who has the perfect Power and is not powerless over anything.
    17. Al-Wahhab : The One Who is Generous in giving plenty without any return.
    18. Ar-Razzaq : The One Who makes the Sustenance reach His slaves. Sustenance is everything that benefits, whether halal or haram.
    19. Al-Fattah : The One Who opens for His slaves the closed worldly and religious matters.
    20. Al-^Alim : The Knowledgeable; the One for Whom nothing is hidden from His Knowledge.
    21. Al-Qabid, 22. Al-Basit : The One Who constricts the sustenance by His Wisdom and expands and widens it with His Generosity and Mercy.
    23. Al-Khafid , 24. Ar-Rafi^ : The One Who lowers whomever He willed by His Destruction and raises whomever He willed by His Endowment.
    25. Al-Mu^izz, 26. Al-Mudhill: The One Who gives esteem to whomever He willed; hence there is no one to degrade him. The One Who degrades whomever He willed; hence there is no one to give him esteem.
    27. As-Sami^ : The One Who Hears all things that are heard by His Eternal Hearing without an ear, instrument, or organ.
    28. Al-Basir : The One Who Sees all things that are seen by His eternal Sight without a pupil or any other instrument.
    29. Al-Hakam : He is the Ruler, and His judgment is His Word.
    30. Al-^Adl: The One Who is entitled to do what He does.
    31. Al-Latif: The One Who is kind to His slaves and endows upon them.
    32. Al-Khabir: The One Who knows the truth of things.
    33. Al-Halim: The One Who delays the punishment for those who deserve it and then He might forgive them.
    34. Al-^Adhim: The One deserving the attributes of Exaltment, Glory, Extolement, and Purity from all imperfection.
    35. Al-Ghafur: The One Who forgives a lot.
    36. Ash-Shakur: The One Who gives ample reward for a little obedience.
    37. Al-^Aliyy: The One Who is clear of the attributes of the creatures.
    38. Al-Kabir: The One Who is greater in status than everything.
    39. Al-Hafidh: The One Who protects whatever and whomever He willed to protect.
    40. Al-Muqit: The One Who has the Power.
    41. Al-Hasib: The One Who gives the satisfaction.
    42. Al-Jalil: The One Who is attributed with greatness of Power and Glory of status.
    43. Al-Karim: The One Who is clear of abjectness.
    44. Ar-Raqib: The One from Whom nothing is absent. Hence its meaning is related to the attribute of Knowledge.
    45. Al-Mujib: The One Who answers the one in need if he asks Him and rescues the yearner if he calls upon Him.
    46. Al-Wasi^: The Knowledgeable.
    47. Al-Hakim: The One Who is correct in His doings.
    48. Al-Wadud: The One Who loves His believing slaves and His believing slaves love Him. His love to His slaves is His Will to be merciful to them and praise them: Hence its meaning is related to the attributes of the Will and Kalam (His attribute with which He orders and forbids and with which He spoke to Muhammad and Musa. It is not a sound, nor a language, nor a letter.
    ) 49. Al-Majid: The One Who is with perfect Power, High Status, Compassion, Generosity, and Kindness.
    50. Al-Ba^ith: The One Who resurrects His slaves after death for reward and/or punishment.
    51. Ash-Shahid: The One from Whom nothing is absent.
    52. Al-Haqq: The One Who truly exists, i.e., the One Whose Existence is confirmed.
    53. Al-Wakil: The One Who gives the satisfaction and is relied upon.
    54. Al-Qawiyy: The One with the complete Power.
    55. Al-Matin: The One with extreme Power which is un-interrupted, and Who does not get tired.
    56. Al-Waliyy: The Supporter.
    57. Al-Hamid: The praised One Who deserves to be praised.
    58. Al-Muhsi: The One Who knows the count of things.
    59. Al-Mubdi’: The One Who started the human being, that is, He created him.
    60. Al-Mu^id: The One Who brings back the creatures after death.
    61. Al-Muhyi: The One Who took out a living human from seminal fluid that does not have a soul. He quickens the dead by giving the souls back to the decayed bodies on the Resurrection Day and He makes the hearts alive by the light of knowledge.
    62. Al-Mumit: The One Who renders the living dead.
    63. Al-Hayy: The One Who is attributed with a life that is unlike our life and is not that of a combination of soul, flesh, and blood.
    64. Al-Qayyum: The One Who remains and does not end.
    65. Al-Wajid: The Rich Who is never poor. Al-Wajd is Richness.
    66. Al-Majid: The One Who is Majid.
    67. Al-Wahid: The One without a partner.
    68. As-Samad: The Master Who is relied upon in matters and is resorted to in one’s needs.
    69. Al-Qadir: The One Who is attributed with Power.
    70. Al-Muqtadir: The One with the perfect Power from Whom nothing is withheld.
    71. Al-Muqaddim, 72. Al-Mu’akhkhir: The One Who puts things in their right places. He makes ahead whatever He wills and delays whatever He wills.
    73. Al-‘Awwal: The One whose Existence is without a beginning.
    74. Al-‘Akhir: The One whose Existence is without an end.
    75. Adh-Dhahir, 76. Al-Batin: The One above Whom nothing exists and underneath Whom nothing exists; hence He exists without a place. His Existence is obvious by proofs. He is clear of the delusions of bodily attributes.
    77. Al-Wali: The One Who owns things and manages them.
    78. Al-Muta^ali: The One Who is clear of the attributes of the creation.
    79. Al-Barr: The One Who is kind to His creatures, Who covered them with His sustenance and specified whomever He willed among them by His support, protection, and special mercy.
    80. At-Tawwab: The One Who grants repentance to whomever He willed among His creatures and accepts his repentance.
    81. Al-Muntaqim: The One Who victoriously prevails over His enemies and punishes them for their sins. It may mean the One Who destroys them.
    82. Al-^Afuww: The One with wide forgiveness.
    83. Ar-Ra’uf: The One with extreme Mercy. The Mercy of Allah is His Will to endow upon whomever He willed among His creatures.
    84. Malikul-Mulk: The One Who controls the dominion and gives dominion to whomever He willed.
    85. Dhul-Jalal Wal-‘Ikram: The One Who deserves to be Exalted and not denied.
    86. Al-Muqsit: The One Who is Just in His judgment.
    87. Al-Jami^: The One Who gathers the creatures on a day there is no doubt about, that is, the Day of Judgment.
    88. Al-Ghaniyy: The One Who does not need the creation.
    89. Al-Mughni: The One Who satisfies the necessities of the creatures.
    90. Al-Mani^: The Supporter Who protects and gives victory to His pious believers.
    91. Ad -Darr, 92. An-Nafi^: The One Who makes harm reach to whomever He willed and benefit to whomever He willed.
    93. An-Nur: The One Who guides.
    94. Al-Hadi: The One with Whose Guidance His believers were guided, and with Whose Guidance the living beings have been guided to what is beneficial for them and protected from what is harmful to them.
    95. Al-Badi^: The One Who created the creation and formed it without any preceding example.
    96. Al-Baqi: The One for Whom the state of non-existence is impossible.
    97. Al-Warith: The One Whose Existence remains.
    98. Ar-Rashid: The One Who guides.
    99. As-Sabur: The One Who does not quickly punish the sinners.
    and Allah knows best.

How to make Wudu’

  • The integrals of ablution (wudu’) are six:
    1. To have the intention of purification (taharah) for prayer–or any equivalent intention–when the water first touches the face, according to Imam ash-Shafi^iyy. However, according to Imam Malik, it is enough if the intention preceded washing the face by a short time; 2. To wash the whole face, from the normal hairline to the chin and from one ear to the other including the hair and skin, but not the inner part of the man’s beard when the hair therein is thick; 3. To wash the hands and the forearms up to and including the elbows and what is on them;4. To wet wipe the head or part of it–even if it is only one hair–within the boundary of the head; 5. To wash the feet with the ankles included, or else to wet wipe the footgear (khuff) when the conditions of the footgear are fulfilled; 6. To observe the aforementioned order.Invalidators of Ablution (Wudu’): Ablution is invalidated by:
    1. The emission of anything from the eliminatory outlets, except maniyy;1 2. Touching the penis, vagina, or anus of a human with the inside part of the bare hand; 3. Touching the skin of the marriageable woman who attained to an age at which she is normally desired; 4. Losing consciousness, except if one is sleeping with his buttocks firmly seated.

Janazah Funeral Prayer

  • The minimum obligatory prayer for the dead (Salatul-Janazah) is:1. To intend to perform the obligatory Funeral Prayer for that dead person in particular, as one is saying the opening ‘Allahu akbar’. 2. To stand while performing the Funeral Prayer, if one is able; 3. To recite the Fatihah; 4. To say Allahu akbar; 5. To say Allahumma salli ^ala Muhammad; 6. To say Allahu akbar; 7. To supplicate Allah to forgive and have mercy on that dead Muslim; 8. To say Allahu akbar; 9. To say the closing salam.The one who performs the Funeral Prayer must satisfy the conditions and avoid the invalidators of prayer.

Eid Prayer

  • The Eid prayer consists of two Rak^ahs:It is initiated with the opening Takbir (Saying Allahu Akbar), with the intention to perform ^Id Prayer with the Imam, and seven takbirs. In between each takbir of the seven takbirs one recites the following du^a’:“Subhanallah, Wal-Hamdulillah, Wala ilaha illAllah, Wallahu akbar”.Then one recites Suratul-Fatihah, and optionally Surat Qaf or Suratul al-‘A^la alternatively.In the second rak^ah one says five takbirs before reciting the Fatihah, and optionally followed by Suratul-Qamar or Suratul-Ghashiyah.

How to Pray

  • The minimum integrals of prayer are seventeen:1. To have the intention in the heart of performing the prayer and of its obligation when obligatory, and to specify the prayer which is performed for a particular reason or time; Example: ‘Usalli Fard al-Maghrib, Hadir. 2. To say ‘Allahu akbar’ loud enough to hear oneself, as is required in every verbal integral; 3. To stand (qiyam) for the obligatory prayer, when able; 4. To recite the Fatihah, including and doubling the letters that should be doubled, in order and succession without lengthy interruption, articulating its letters properly, and avoiding any error (lahn) whether or not it breaches the meaning. An error which does not breach the meaning is unlawful, but it does not invalidate the prayer unless done intentionally; 5. To bow until one’s palms could reach one’s knees (ruku^); 6. To remain motionless in ruku^ for the duration of saying ‘subhan-Allah’ (tuma’ninah); 7. To straighten up after ruku^ (‘i^tidal); 8. To remain motionless for the duration of saying ‘subhan-Allah’; 9. To prostrate twice by putting all or part of one’s uncovered forehead on one’s praying ground, with one’s lower body (buttocks) higher than one’s upper part, and putting part of one’s knees, the inside of one’s hands and the bottom of one’s toes on the ground; 10. To have tuma’ninah in prostration; 11. To sit between the two prostrations; 12. To have tuma’ninah in this sitting; 13. To sit for saying the last tashahhud, as-Salatu ^alan-Nabiyy, and the closing salam; 14. To say the last tashahhud; one says: The minimum tashahhud is: 15. To say as-Salatu ^alan-Nabiyy, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam. The minimum is: 16. To say the closing salam. The minimum is: 17. To observe the order.Note: To intentionally perform the integrals of prayer out of order invalidates the prayer. An example is if one intentionally prostrated before one’s ruku^. If one forgets an integral, one must return to that integral unless one has reached that same integral (or what is after it in the next or subsequent rak^ah). In such a case, what was performed in-between is canceled. An example is if one did not remember leaving out ruku^ except after having performed ruku^ or prostration of the subsequent rak^ah. In such a case what is between the missing ruku^ and the performed ruku^ is canceled, and what is after this performed ruku^ is the continuation of the rak^ah.

Khutbah Integrals

  • Integrals of the Two Speeches (Khutbahs) The speaker must observe the following integrals of the two speeches: 1. Praising Allah (hamdullah) in both speeches; 2. Performing Salat ^ala an-Nabiyy, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam, in both speeches; 3. Commanding the audience to be God-fearing (taqwa) in both speeches; 4. Reciting an ayah which has a complete meaning in either of the two speeches; 5. Saying a supplication (du^a’) for the believers in the second speech.* Among the conditions for the Imam is: Taharah (purification), to stand, to cover ^awrah nakedness, sit between the two speeches, and to say the integrals of the two speeches in Arabic.

Fasting Ramadan (Siyam)

  • Every accountable Muslim is obligated to fast the month of Ramadan.
    The fast of a menstruating or postpartum-bleeding woman is not valid; however, they have to make up the missed days. Even if fasting is not tedious, it is permissible for the traveller of a shortening distance (qasr) not to fast. Breaking the fast is permissible for the sick person, the pregnant woman, and the nursing woman who cannot bear the hardship of fasting. However, making up the missed days is obligatory.1. Each night to make the intention to fast the following day;2. To abstain from sexual intercourse, masturbation, and inserting anything with a volume into the head or the body cavity through an open inlet, excluding one’s pure, tahir saliva while inside the mouth.One’s fasting is valid as long as one does not become insane, even if it were for a moment, and if one does not lose consciousness the whole day, i.e., from dawn until sunset.

Purificatory Bath (Junub Ghusl)

  • Among the conditions of prayer is purification from the state of major ritual impurity (hadath akbar) by performing the purificatory bath. Dry purification (tayammum) is performed when one cannot perform ghusl. One is required to perform the purificatory bath after any of these five things occur:1. The emission of maniyy (spermal fluid); 2. Sexual intercourse; 3. Termination of menses (hayd); 4. Termination of postpartum bleeding (nifas); 5. Childbirth.The integrals of the purificatory bath are two:
    1. To have the intention to clear oneself of the state of major ritual impurity (hadath akbar) or a similar intention; 2. To wash the whole body with water, including the skin and the hair even if it is thick.

Basics of Islam – 2 Shahada

  • 1. The meaning of ASHHADU ALLA ILAHA ILLALLAH is: “I know, I believe, and I declare that nothing deserves to be worshipped except Allah, Who is One (Wahid), Indivisible (‘Ahad), without a beginning (‘Awwal), Eternal (Qadim), Alive (Hayy), without an end (Qayyum), Everlasting (Da’im), the Creator (Khaliq), the Sustainer (Raziq), Knowledgeable (^Alim), Powerful (Qadir), the One Who does whatever He wills, i.e., whatever Allah willed to be shall be and whatever Allah did not will to be shall not be, the One Who without His protection no one can evade sinning, and without His help no one has the strength to obey Him. Allah is attributed with all proper perfection and is clear of all imperfection. There is nothing like Him, and He is attributed with Hearing and Sight.” Allah exists without a beginning and everything else exists with a beginning; He is the Creator and everything else is a creation.Summing up what has been mentioned before, it is affirmed that Allah, ta^ala, has thirteen attributes which were mentioned repeatedly in the Qur’an, either explicitly or implicitly. These are:Existence (al-Wujud), Oneness (al-Wahdaniyyah), Eternity (al-Qidam, i.e., al-‘Azaliyyah), Everlastingness (al-Baqa’), Non-neediness of others, (al-Qiyamu bin-Nafs), Power (al-Qudrah), Will (al-‘Iradah), Knowledge (al-^Ilm), Hearing (as-Sam^), Sight (al-Basar), Life (al-Hayah), Speech (al-Kalam), and Non-resemblance to the creation (-al-Mukhalafatu lil-hawadith). Since these attributes were mentioned many times in the Qur’an and hadith, the scholars said knowing them is a personal obligation (fard ^ayn). Since eternity is confirmed to the Self (dhat) of Allah, His attributes are eternal, because a created attribute entails that the attributed self is created.2. The meaning of ASHHADU ANNA MUHAMMADAR-RASULULLAH is: “I know, I believe, and I declare that Muhammad, the son of ^Abdullah, who is the son of ^Abdul-Muttalib, who is the son of Hashim, who is the son of ^Abdu-Manaf, from the tribe of Quraysh, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam, is the slave of Allah and His Messenger to all the creation. One must believe he was born in Makkah and sent as a Messenger therein; he immigrated to al-Madinah and was buried therein; and he was truthful in everything he told about and conveyed from Allah. Among what the Prophet informed us is: the torture in the grave and the enjoyment therein; the questioning of the two angels, Munkar and Nakir; Resurrection (Ba^th); Assembly (Hashr); the Day of Judgement (Qiyamah); Presentation of the deeds (Hisab); Reward (Thawab); Punishment (^Adhab); the Balance (Mizan); Hellfire (Nar); the Bridge (Sirat); the Basin (Hawd); the Intercession (Shafa^ah); Paradise (Jannah); seeing Allah, ta^ala, with the eye in the Hereafter, without Him having a form or being in a place or a direction–different from the way a creation is seen; the dwelling forever in Paradise or Hellfire; the belief in Allah’s Angels, Messengers, Books, and Destiny (Qadar1)–both good and evil; and that Muhammad, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam, is the last of the prophets and the best of all the children of Adam.”Moreover, it is obligatory to believe every prophet of Allah must be attributed with truthfulness, trustworthiness, and intelligence. Consequently, lying, dishonesty, vileness, stupidity, and dullness are impossible to be among their attributes. They must be attributed with impeccability of blasphemy, enormous sins (kaba’ir), and the small, mean sins before and after Prophethood. On the other hand, they are not impeccable of committing other small sins, although they are immediately guided to repent before others imitate them. Prophethood was not bestowed upon the brothers of Yusuf, who, excluding Binyamin, committed the mean deeds mentioned in the Qur’an. The Asbat are the descendants of those brothers who were chosen for prophethood.

How to Repent (Tawbah)

  • The immediate repentance of sins is obligatory upon every accountable person and comprises: regretting, quitting, and intending not to return to them. If the sin is leaving out an obligation one makes it up, and if the sin involves a right to a human, one must satisfy it or seek the person’s satisfaction.As for the person who committed Riddah (Riddah is any Blasphemous; kufur Saying, Doing or Belief), it is a must upon him/her to go back immediately to Islam by uttering the two Shahada: “I Testify that no one is God except Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah”. He/She has also to quit what caused Riddah (kufur), regret and determine not to commit it or its similar.

How to Repent From Blasphemy

  • The Types of Blasphemy
    Allah, ta^ala, said in the Quran:
    {Innal-ladhina kafaru wa saddu ^an sabilillahi thumma matu wa hum kuffarun falay-yaghfirallahu lahum.}
    Ayah 34 of Surah Muhammad means: {Those who blaspheme and prevent others from embracing Islam, then die as blasphemers, will not be forgiven by Allah.}Blasphemy is the opposite of belief, just as darkness is the opposite of light. It is of three types: likening God to the creation (tashbih), contradicting (takdhib), and denying (ta^til).Tashbih: Likening Allah to His creation. An example is to say or believe that Allah has legs.Takdhib: Contradicting the honorable Quran or what was undoubtedly related from the Prophet and known by every Muslim scholar, like negating the resurrection of the bodies and souls, or negating the obligation of prayer, fasting, or Zakah.Ta^til: Negating or denying the existence of Allah. This type is the most blasphemous. Likewise is denying any of Allah’s Thirteen Attributes.
    Blasphemers are of two types. One is the original blasphemer. The other one is the apostate (murtadd).The original blasphemer is the one who was born to two blasphemous parents and reached pubescence on a blasphemous belief.The apostate (murtadd) is the person who was Muslim, then committed one of the types of blasphemy (riddah).
    Allah, ta^ala, said in the Qur’an: {Qul abillahi wa ayatihi wa rasulihi kuntum tastahzi’un. La ta^tadhiru qad kafartum ba^da imanikum}
    Ayahs 65-66 of Suratut-Tawbah mean: {O Muhammad, say: Do you mock Allah, His verses, and His Messenger? Do not offer excuses. Now you are judged as blasphemers, after you were judged as Muslims.}
    Apostasy (Riddah) is leaving Islam. It is among the most abhorrent type of blasphemy. Hence, it is obligatory on every Muslim to preserve his Islam and protect it from apostasy (riddah), which invalidates his Islam. May Allah protect us from it.The scholars classified blasphemy into three categories: blasphemy of belief, blasphemy of action, and blasphemy of saying.
    Each category of these categories is divided into many subdivisions:1) Examples of the blasphemy of belief include:
    * Denying the existence of Allah.
    * Believing that Allah does not have the Power to do something.
    * Believing Allah is ignorant.
    * Believing that Allah is a body, light, or a soul.
    * Believing Allah is sitting on the throne or has a shape or form
    * Believing that drinking alcohol or stealing is permissible.
    * Believing that Allah did not obligate the five prayers, fasting the month of Ramadan, paying Zakah, or making Hajj.2) Examples of the blasphemy of action include:
    * To throw the Qur’an or other Islamic papers purposely in the trash.
    * To prostrate to an idol, or the sun, or to any other creation with the intention of worshipping it.
    * To write ayahs of the Qur’an in urine.3) Examples of the blasphemy of saying include:
    * Cursing Allah, His prophets, angels, Islam, or the Qur’an.
    * Mocking the prayer or fasting.The Messenger of Allah, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam, said: “Innal-^abda layatakallamu bil-kalimati la yara biha ba’say yahwi biha finnari sab^ina kharifa.”
    Which means: “A person may utter a word that he deems harmless that may result in his falling the depth of seventy years into Hellfire.” (Related by at-Tirmidhiyy.)Falling the distance of seventy years means falling to the deepest bottom of Hellfire, which is reserved for the blasphemers. This hadith is a proof that it is not a condition for falling into blasphemy that one knows the judgment, or feels happy with, or believes in the uttered words.The Messenger of Allah, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam, said: “Aktharu khataya bni Adama mil-lisanih.” Which means: “Most of one’s sins are from one’s tongue.” (Related by at-Tabaraniyy.)The Rule: Any belief, action, or saying which belittles Allah, His Books, His Messengers, His Angels, His Rites, the well-known practices of His Religion, His Rules, His Promise, or His Threat is blasphemy. So, one must use caution with one’s utmost effort to avoid blasphemy at all times.Benefit: The scholars said: Denying what is commonly known among the Muslims to be a part of the Religion is blasphemy. For something to be commonly known to be part of the Religion means that it is a matter that is known by all Muslims, both the laypeople and the scholars alike. In other words, it is not something known only by scholars. This is like the obligation of the five prayers, fasting Ramadan, the permissibility of buying and selling, and the unlawfulness of drinking alcohol and stealing.

Safety from Hellfire

  • If one believed and said that: God is one, he has no partners, and he is the creator of all creations, He is not like any of his Creations. He exists without being in a place, without a shape or image or size or body. And that Moses and Jesus and Muhammad are Prophets of God (Allah) then you are a Muslim. And so we advise any non-Musim sincerely to become a Muslim, a believer, not only in Jesus as a Prophet, but in all the Prophets of God starting with Prophet Adam, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and ending with Muhammad peace be upon them.

The First Obligation is to Be Muslim

  • People are 2 types:
    1. Accountable: People who are sane, pubescent and heard the basic call of Islam.
    2. Non-Accountable: Any person either insane, or not pubescent, or never heard the basic call of Islam.It is obligatory upon the accountable persons to embrace the Religion of Islam, to remain steadfast to it, and to comply with what is obligatory upon them of its rules, i.e., every accountable person must be Muslim, stay Muslim, and follow the rules of Islam. Among what one must know, believe in, and utter immediately if one was a blasphemer, or else in the prayer, is the Testification of Faith, which is:
    I testify that no one deserves to be worshiped except Allah and I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.The non-Muslim embraces Islam by believing in the Two Testifications of Faith and uttering them with the intention of leaving out blasphemy.
    The first Testification means that no one or thing deserves to be worshipped except God Who is the Creator of everything.The second Testification states that Muhammad the son of ^Abdillah who was born in Makkah about 1400 years ago is a messenger of God. He was sent to convey what God revealed to him so that the humans believe in and work with the Laws he received and brought. He is truthful in all what he conveyed. The Two Testifications reject the Godhood of anyone or anything other than God. They confirm the Godhood of God (Allah) only with the acknowledgment of the message of prophet Muhammad.

Learn Al-Fatihah

  • Al-Fatihah Audio
    1. Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. 2. Al-Hamdu lillahi Rabbil- ^alamin 3. Ar-Rahmanir-Rahim. 4. Maliki yawmid-Din. 5. Iyyaka na^budu wa iyyaka nasta^in. 6. Ihdinas-siratal-mustaqim 7. Siratal-ladhina an ^amta ^alayhim, Ghayril-maghdubi ^alayhim wa lad-dallin.* Note the 14 doubled letters (Shadda). The underlined H is for Hha’, as in AHmad.

The Last 3 Surahs (Mu^awidhat)

  • Suratul-‘Ikhlas
    Al-Ikhlas Audio
    Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. 1. Qul Huwallahu Ahad. 2. Allahus-Samad. 3. Lam yalid wa lam yulad. 4. Wa lam yakullahu kufuwan ahad.Surat Al-Falaq
    Al-Falaq Audio
    Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. 1. Qul a^udhu birabbil-falaq. 2. Min sharri ma khalaq. 3. Wa min sharri ghasiqin idha waqab. 4. Wa min sharrin-naffathati fil- ^uqad. 5. Wa min sharri hasidin idha hasad.Surat An-Nass
    An-Nass Audio
    Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. 1. Qul a^udhu birabbin-nas. 2. Malikin-nas. 3. Ilahin-nas. 4. Min sharril-waswasil-khannas. 5. Alladhi yuwaswisu fi Sudurin-nas. 6. Minal-jinnati wan-nas

Learn Ayatul-Kursiyy

  • Ayatul-Kursiyy
    Ayat al-Kursiy Audio
    Allahu la ilaha illa Huwal-Hayyul-Qayyum, la ta’khudhuhu sinatuwwala nawm, lahu ma fis-samawati wama fil-‘ard, man dhalladhi yashfa^u ^indahu illa bi ‘idhnih, ya^lamu ma bayna aydihim wama khalfahum, wa la yuhituna bishay’immin ^ilmihi illa bima sha’, wasi^a Kursiyyuhus-samawati wal-‘ard, wa la ya’uduhu Hifdhuhuma, wa Huwal- ^Aliyyul- ^AdhimThe Meaning of Ayatul-Kursiyy
    I start my recitation with the Name of Allah (the One Who deserves to be worshipped), Who is ar-Rahman (the One Who is very merciful to Muslims and non-Muslims in this life), and Who is ar-Rahim (the One Who is very merciful to Muslims only in the Hereafter). Allah is the One Who is the Only God. He is the One Who is attributed with an eternal and everlasting Life (which is without soul, body, blood, bones or need for food). He is the One Who manages and takes care of the world and does not need any one and every one needs Him. He is not seized with somnolence or sleep. To Him belongs what is in the heavens and Earth. No one will intercede, on the Day of Judgment, except with His permission. He knows all about His creation. They do not know except that which Allah allowed them to know. His Kursiyy extends farther than the heavens and Earth and He is not exhausted from preserving them. He is the One Who has the highest status (and does not need a place) and Who rightly has the attributes of exaltedness, glory, greatness, and purity from all imperfection.
    * Reciting Ayatul-Kursiy is highly rewarded by Allah, and is a protection for the person from the Jinn and evil eye.

Qur’an Video Last 10 Surahs

  • Last 10 Chapters

Try to recite quran in Ramadan as much as you can. And make sure you know how to recite, so you need to learn on a qari’ and avoid any mistakes in reciting. We hope this video will help others to recite properly insha’Allah.

Du^a Al-Qunoot Translation

  • Allahummahdini fiman hadayt, wa ^afini fiman ^afayt, wa tawallani fiman tawallayt, wa barik li fima a^tayt. Wa qini sharra ma qadayt, fa ‘innaka taqdi wa la yuqda ^alayk. Wa ‘innahu la yadhillu maw walayt(a), wa la ya^izzu man ^adayt. Tabarakta Rabbana wa ta^alayt. Fa lakal-hamdu ^ala ma qadayt. Astagfiruka wa atubu ilayk. Wa sallallahu ^ala Muhammad (iwwa) ^ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam.The Meaning of the Qunut Supplication
    O Allah, guide me among those whom You guided, relieve me from sickness among those whom You relieved, support me among those whom You supported, bless for me what You gave me. Protect me against the evil of what You created, for You are the One Who orders (ordains) and not the One Who is ordered (ordained for). Whomever You support is not weakened and ignored, and whomever You oppose is not dignified. O our Lord, may Your givings increase. You are the Supreme One Whose status is high and great and You are clear of any imperfection. Praise is due for what You ordained. I ask You for forgiveness and I repent to You. May Allah raise the rank of Muhammad, and his Al and Companions. May Allah protect the Prophet’s Nation from what he feared for it.

1 Million Good Deeds

  • Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu ^Alayhi Wa Sallam) said: “Whoever enters the marketplace and says the Du’a below, then Allah will reward him one million good deeds for him/her, and will erase one million of his/her bad deeds”Arabic TransLiteration:
    ((La ilaha illAllahu, Wahdahu la sharika lahu, Lahul mulku wa lahul hamdu, Yuhyee wa yumeetu Wa huwa hayyun la yamootu Bi yadihil khair, wa huwa ^ala kulli Shai’in Qadeer))
    Market Supplication Audio
    English Translation: None deserve to be worshipped except Allah alone, He is without partner. To Him belongs all dominion, and praise. He gives life and causes death. He is the Alive and does not die. By His will is all good and He has power over all things.
    * So next time you go shopping don’t miss out on this great reward! Print it out and take it with you to the shops if you need to.

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