The EventBridge rule will match events for EC2 instance state changes and invoke the Lambda function.

Let’s consider another example where you want to trigger an AWS Lambda function when an EC2 instance state changes. The EventBridge rule will match events for EC2 instance state changes and invoke the Lambda function. Step 1: Create an AWS Lambda Function Create an AWS Lambda function that will be triggered by the EventBridge rule. Example Lambda function code (Node.js): javascriptCopy code// Lambda function code … متابعة قراءة The EventBridge rule will match events for EC2 instance state changes and invoke the Lambda function.

Postgres Playlist for SQL Analysis P1

This is the link to the youtube videos : CREATE TABLE sales (     sales_id INT PRIMARY KEY,     date_id INT ,     product_id INT ,     customer_id INT ,     location_id INT ,     promotion_id INT ,     quantity_sold INT,     amount_sold DECIMAL(10, 2) ) CREATE TABLE product_dimension (     product_id INT PRIMARY KEY,     product_name VARCHAR(255),     category VARCHAR(50),     manufacturer VARCHAR(100) ) CREATE TABLE customer_dimension (     customer_id INT PRIMARY KEY,     customer_name VARCHAR(255),     city VARCHAR(100), … متابعة قراءة Postgres Playlist for SQL Analysis P1

SQL Courses – Notes 1

I have given this course Online: these are the notes Sources === > staging zone ===> final destination  Exmple: DB2 , oracle database , sql server, csv files,excel ===> transformed data ===> in the staging zone ===> final destination  SSIS: integration  SSRS: Reporting  BI : Integrate (source ===> destination) after transforming ,,,,,REports (dashboards, …)  Poulina : MSBI +  Powerbi , Qliksense ,quiksense  Clean/transformed Data ===> Data … متابعة قراءة SQL Courses – Notes 1