رنات اسلامية للجوال Islamic Mobile Ring Tones

رنات اسلامية للجوال Islamic Mobile Ring Tones هذه رنات جاهزة للجوال بنوع MP3 رنات صغيرة الحجم عربية اسلامية خالية من الآلات الموسيقية المحرمة. اذا موبايلك أو جوالك أو تلفونك لا يستقبل الا نوع وايف wav. أو غيره. حمل الملف من هنا وحوله الى wav أو الى ما تحتاج مباشرة عبر هذا الموقع: online-convert.com Pick the format you need (mp3, amr, wma) Right click to Save file. … متابعة قراءة رنات اسلامية للجوال Islamic Mobile Ring Tones

The Integrals of Prayer And Its Recommended Matters

The Integrals of Prayer And Its Recommended Matters Prayer has integrals and recommended matters (sunnahs). The integrals are those matters that are part of the prayer and, if not done the prayer is invalid. The recommended matters are the rewardable matters the leaving out of which does not invalidate the prayer. They are done following in the footsteps of the Prophet, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam. … متابعة قراءة The Integrals of Prayer And Its Recommended Matters

The General And Detailed Mental Proof Of The Existence Of The Creator

General Mental Proof of the Existence of the Creator:The Islamic scholars mentioned that every accountable person is obligated to know the General Mental Proof about the Existence of Allah. An example of this is, if one says: writing must have a writer, the building must have a builder, and the writing and building are part of this universe.  Hence, the whole universe must have a … متابعة قراءة The General And Detailed Mental Proof Of The Existence Of The Creator

Governing with other then the Islamic Law (Sharia)

Governing with other then the Islamic Law (Sharia) Bismillah, Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, the creator of all creations, who has no beginning and no ending, and whom exists without a place, we ask Allah to ask Allah to raise the rank of Prophet Muhammad, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam, and to protect his nation from that which he fears for it, … متابعة قراءة Governing with other then the Islamic Law (Sharia)

Saying The Isti^adhah الاستعاذة

Saying The Isti^adhah الاستعاذة  أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم (A^udhu billahi minash-shaytanir-rajim) (I seek Allah’s protection from the harm of the deprived and expelled Devil.) The meaning of the isti^adhah is:  I seek the protection of Allah to preserve me against the harm of Satan, who is a deviant and transgressing blasphemer among the jinn. By scholarly consensus, the isti^adhah, or seeking Allah’s protection from … متابعة قراءة Saying The Isti^adhah الاستعاذة