Miracles Of The Prophets Vs. Karamahs Of The Pious

The Miracle:The miracle is an extraordinary act. It is not a usual event that happens in everyday life or to everyone. Miracles are only for prophets and are always in agreement with what they say. So, no one can do anything that is equal or similar to a miracle to discredit a prophet. Examples of miracles are: the flowing of water from between the fingers … متابعة قراءة Miracles Of The Prophets Vs. Karamahs Of The Pious

Sunnis, Not Wahhabis!

Bismillah, Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, to Him belong the endowments and the befitting perfections and commendations. I ask Allah to raise the rank of Prophet Muhammad, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam, and to protect his nation from that which he fears for it, Thereafter: Dear brothers and sisters, know that the wahhabi sect that emerged some 250 years ago, do not follow … متابعة قراءة Sunnis, Not Wahhabis!

Quick Islamic Info

Quick Islamic Info {Say, O Lord Increase My Knowledge}. The 99 Perfect Names Of Allah How to make Wudu’ Janazah Funeral Prayer Eid Prayer How to Pray Khutbah Integrals Fasting Ramadan (Siyam) Purificatory Bath (Junub Ghusl) Basics of Islam – 2 Shahada How to Repent (Tawbah) How to Repent From Blasphemy Safety from Hellfire The First Obligation is to Be Muslim Learn Al-Fatihah The Last … متابعة قراءة Quick Islamic Info

Patience of Prophet Ayyoub Peace Be Upon Him

Prophet Ayyoub (known in English as Job) was once of the richest prophets before afflictions fell upon him. Eventually these afflictions were lifted from him. Prophet Ayyoub lived in al-Bathaniyyah, a Hawran village in the sham area, between Damascus and Abdra^at in Jordan. God had blessed him with wide estates, fertile land, good health, money and plenty of children. Ayyoub was thankful to God, sympathetic … متابعة قراءة Patience of Prophet Ayyoub Peace Be Upon Him

Interesting article that depicts facts on the wahhabis and hizbul ikhwan who claim to follow the sunni stream but in reality they are far from the path of Ahlus- Sunnah Wal Jama^ah.

Interesting article that depicts facts on the wahhabis and hizbul ikhwan who claim to follow the sunni stream but in reality they are far from the path of Ahlus- Sunnah Wal Jama^ah. TestimonyUnited States Senate Committee on the JudiciaryTerrorist Recruitment and Infiltration in the United States: Prisons and Military as an Operational Base.October 14, 2003 Dr. Michael WallerAnnenberg Professor of International Communication , The Institute of … متابعة قراءة Interesting article that depicts facts on the wahhabis and hizbul ikhwan who claim to follow the sunni stream but in reality they are far from the path of Ahlus- Sunnah Wal Jama^ah.